Case studies
Check out our success stories!

An unbiased product quality assessment of a potential manufacturer.

Understanding the probable success of various launch indications.

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) identification through an in-depth digital analysis.

Finding new indications through a comprehensive scientific appraisal.

Topic modeling to support a digital first approach.

A diligence exercise on the potential resource requirement of a prospective commercial asset.

Conference listening and insights to increase share of scientific voice.

Empowering our client to formulate an impactful trial strategy.

Discovering novel indications to inform the potential market expansion and claims of an over-the-counter (OTC) supplement.

Maximizing the likelihood of becoming a standard-of-care therapy.

Understanding market opportunity to effectively communicate its early value proposition to various stakeholders.

Clinical landscaping for strategic market positioning.

Case studies
Helping clients all over the world