Case studies

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A visual of an online shopping cart with low customer reviews (one or two stars) displayed. The title beneath reads "Assessing commercial opportunity through a robust statistical analysis of sexual health product reviews", with a subtitle reading "An unbiased product quality assessment of a potential manufacturer." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Assessing commercial opportunity through a robust statistical analysis of sexual health product reviews

An unbiased product quality assessment of a potential manufacturer.

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A visual of a yellow crossroads with an arrow pointing left to pills and right to a medication bottle. The title beneath reads "Bridging epidemiological data gaps to inform prospective commercial appeal", with a subtitle reading "Understanding the probable success of various launch indications". A clickable button reads "View case study".
Bridging epidemiological data gaps to inform prospective commercial appeal

Understanding the probable success of various launch indications.

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A visual showing a network of four people, with a large pink magnifying glass linking one person to an image of pills and a graph. The title beneath reads "Cut through the noise: Analyzing digital landscapes following FDA approval", with a subtitle reading "Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) identification through an in-depth digital analysis". A clickable button reads "View case study".
Cut through the noise: Analyzing digital landscapes following FDA approval

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) identification through an in-depth digital analysis.

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A visual of a network starting with pills, connecting to data and then to some more pills. Around the pills are icons depicting organs. The title beneath reads "Discovering novel and adjunct indications to support market expansion of an established supplement", with a subtitle reading "Finding new indications through a comprehensive scientific appraisal". A clickable button reads "View case study".
Discovering novel and adjunct indications to support market expansion of an established supplement

Finding new indications through a comprehensive scientific appraisal.

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A visual of a collection of speech bubbles with icons representing different social media channels. The title beneath reads "Elevating a competitive communication strategy through data-driven analysis in a novel therapeutic field", with a subtitle reading "Topic modeling to support a digital first approach". A clickable button reads "View case study".
Elevating a competitive communication strategy through data-driven analysis in a novel therapeutic field

Topic modeling to support a digital first approach.

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A visual of binoculars showing a question mark with a pill on the left lens and a doctor in front of a hospital on the right lens. The title beneath reads "Enhancing strategic decision-making: An acquisition case study", with a subtitle reading "A diligence exercise on the potential resource requirement of a prospective commercial asset." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Enhancing strategic decision-making: An acquisition case study

A diligence exercise on the potential resource requirement of a prospective commercial asset.

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A visual of three colored blocks of varying heights with a bio above each. The tallest center block shows a person with a speech bubble saying "48%" and an up arrow. The title beneath reads "Maximizing ROI: Strategic recommendations for an impactful conference", with a subtitle reading "Conference listening and insights to increase share of scientific voice." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Maximizing ROI: Strategic recommendations for an impactful conference

Conference listening and insights to increase share of scientific voice.

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A visual of scientific instruments and charts with an arrow pointing to a map of North America marked with location beacons. The title beneath reads "Optimizing clinical trial performance: A comprehensive analysis and strategic roadmap", with a subtitle reading "Empowering our client to formulate an impactful trial strategy." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Optimizing clinical trial performance: A comprehensive analysis and strategic roadmap

Empowering our client to formulate an impactful trial strategy.

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A visual of a pill bottle with an arrow splitting into three, leading to three pill bottles on different colored backgrounds. The title beneath reads "Scientific landscaping to discover novel indications for potential market expansion", with a subtitle reading "Discovering novel indications to inform the potential market expansion and claims of an over-the-counter (OTC) supplement." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Scientific landscaping to discover novel indications for potential market expansion

Discovering novel indications to inform the potential market expansion and claims of an over-the-counter (OTC) supplement.

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A line is shown, along which the numbers "1", "2" and "3" are written. These are the phases of a clinical study. The three is large and yellow, with a black tick on top of it. To the right of there is a distribution graph. The title beneath reads "Strategic design of a Phase 3 clinical trial to maximize the likelihood of treatment approval", with a subtitle reading "Maximizing the likelihood of becoming a standard-of-care therapy." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Strategic design of a Phase 3 clinical trial to maximize the likelihood of treatment approval

Maximizing the likelihood of becoming a standard-of-care therapy.

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A visual of a group of pill bottles with a yellow spotlight on the one at the front. The title beneath reads "Understanding market opportunities to create compelling product value communications", with a subtitle reading "Understanding market opportunity to effectively communicate its early value proposition to various stakeholders." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Understanding market opportunities to create compelling product value communications

Understanding market opportunity to effectively communicate its early value proposition to various stakeholders.

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A visual of a network with icons of a medical professional, laboratory equipment, a graph and a document, alongside a large yellow rocket with pills in its window. The title beneath reads "Unlocking market insights: Bridging data gaps to inform Phase 3 trial strategy and beyond", with a subtitle reading "Clinical landscaping for strategic market positioning." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Unlocking market insights: Bridging data gaps to inform Phase 3 trial strategy and beyond

Clinical landscaping for strategic market positioning.

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A visual of a screen, overlaid with colored icons. There is a play button, a magnifying glass and an "@" symbol. The title beneath reads "Using digital intelligence to inform content strategy within Medical Affairs", with a subtitle reading "Supporting our client in developing a content strategy for HCP engagement using digital intelligence." A clickable button reads "View case study".
Using digital intelligence to inform content strategy within Medical Affairs

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