Case study

Cut through the noise: Analyzing digital landscapes following FDA approval

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) identification through an in-depth digital analysis.

A visual showing a network of four people, with a large pink magnifying glass linking one person to an image of pills and a graph. The title beneath reads "Cut through the noise: Analyzing digital landscapes following FDA approval", with a subtitle reading "Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) identification through an in-depth digital analysis". A clickable button reads "View case study".

The brief

Upon gaining FDA approval for a new drug, our client wanted to understand the market and stakeholder reaction to the approval to inform messaging and sales tactics. Developing internal segmentation by identifying KOLs and DOLs able to spark conversation around the drug online was also essential. To support our client, we created a digital intelligence report that allowed them to understand the online conversation and begin drafting a content strategy.

The challenge

The client required an unbiased, in-depth analysis of the online conversation surrounding a niche section of a much larger therapy area that was targeted at the reaction to their FDA approval as well as similar competitor products.  

The solution

We created a digital intelligence report covering three main areas.

  • Analysis of the client’s impact on the digital conversation following their FDA approval and their share of voice versus that of competitors.
  • An overview of the online conversation surrounding the disease area, for e.g., mentions of clinical trials and other key topics.
  • Identification of the most active clinicians and organizations discussing the disease area. In doing this, we generated a comprehensive KOL/DOL list for the client to utilize going forward, particularly at upcoming conferences.

The value to the client

A rapid and comprehensive overview of the disease area, its main online content contributors as well as recommendations for DOLs worth engaging to enhance our client’s digital activity and better inform their conference strategy.  

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