What is a DOL impact factor?
At VISFO, a Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) impact factor is a proprietary bibliometric-based calculation used to identify and rank thought leaders who are digitally active.
How is it calculated?
DOL impact factors are calculated based on the combination of several metrics, including:
- total number of posts on social media channels
- level of engagement per post
- reach achieved per post
- top performing content types.
How are impactfactors used?
Ranking DOLs by impact factor allows swift identification of individuals most aligned with strategic objectives — and their networks. This awareness is vital to understanding and responding to the customer and consumer conversation online.
By identifying, engaging and leveraging the right DOLs, organizations can reach and influence relevant online audiences and gain valuable insights into customer and consumer behavior.
DOL mapping and ranking is a core component of VISFO’s Helix service offering. Click here to find out more.